Bucovina Ultra Rocks® ~ 2021

Bucovina Ultra Rocks® ~ 2021

31 iul 2021 (sâm) Campulung Moldovenesc, Romania



The BEAST track (180km with 9600m of elevation) is starting from Campulung Moldovenesc (ski slope Runc) and is touching twice Rarau summit (1650m) with a loop to Devil’s Mills Gorge and Codru Secular Slatioara (UNESCO heritage), than heading to Pietrosu Bistritei summit (1793m). Starting than a long downhill up to Paltinis village than heading to Calimani National Park: Iezerul Calimaniului peak (2032m)-Voievodeasa (1852m)- Bradul Ciont (1899m)- Ratitis (2021)- Negoiul Unguresc (2081m) and the last and highest point of the area Pietrosul Calimaniului (2100m). After this trip we go for a long route to Vatra Dornei through Rezervatia Naturala 12 Apostoli- ski slope Vatra Dornei. Crossing the town and heading Giumalau summit (1857m) than a nice forest route to Transrarau crossing to Obcini, downhill to Paraul Mesteacan than back to the finish line in Campulung Moldovenesc with a final tough climb on Runc (+400m in 1.4km).