The BEAST track (180km with 9600m of elevation) is starting from Campulung Moldovenesc (ski slope Runc) and is touching twice Rarau summit (1650m) with a loop to Devil’s Mills Gorge and Codru Secular Slatioara (UNESCO heritage), than heading to Pietrosu Bistritei summit (1793m). Starting than a long downhill up to Paltinis village than heading to Calimani National Park: Iezerul Calimaniului peak (2032m)-Voievodeasa (1852m)- Bradul Ciont (1899m)- Ratitis (2021)- Negoiul Unguresc (2081m) and the last and highest point of the area Pietrosul Calimaniului (2100m). After this trip we go for a long route to Vatra Dornei through Rezervatia Naturala 12 Apostoli- ski slope Vatra Dornei. Crossing the town and heading Giumalau summit (1857m) than a nice forest route to Transrarau crossing to Obcini, downhill to Paraul Mesteacan than back to the finish line in Campulung Moldovenesc with a final tough climb on Runc (+400m in 1.4km).